100% Extra Virgin

Pine nuts oil acts as an appetite suppressant. Pine nuts contain pinolenic acid, which represents 14–19% of the fatty acids present. This acid has favorable effects on appetite control, increasing the blood concentrations of key satiety hormones.
Fights free radicals. The oil contains a large number of fatty acids, which are energy reserve bases. It positively affects the immune mechanisms. Vitamin E, which is included in this product, helps to stop skin aging by accelerating cell renewal. Pine nut oil is used as a natural herbal component of many skin care products because it contains a huge amount of useful substances.


Pine oil contains a very wide range of elements favorable for human health, including essential polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA 3 and OMEGA 6, vitamins, microelements, and other biologically active substances.
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), E, D, F.
Pine nut oil is a concentrate of vitamin F, it is 3 times more in oil than in a preparation based on fish oil.
Vitamin F is an essential fatty acid responsible for the growth and renewal of cells that are not produced by our body but consumed only with food.
According to the content of vitamin E, cedar nut oil is 5 times richer than olive oil and 3 times richer than coconut oil.


Helps to restore the balance of metabolism, and improve metabolism.
Accelerates recovery and support of the liver, kidneys, respiratory tract, and endocrine system.
Reduces susceptibility to heart diseases
Helps to prevent vitamin deficiency and improve protective functions.
Stabilizes the cardiovascular system, and improves the composition of blood.
Helps to improve reproductive health. Oil from cold-pressed pine nuts is included in treatment complexes of thyroid disorders: hypo- and hyperfunctions, diffuse changes. Used for mastopathy and ovarian dysfunction, to prevent tumors and disorders of periodic processes associated with the possibility of conception.
Heals and supports the digestive tract and removes toxins, liver, gallbladder, and endocrine system.
Good for the prostate gland. Pine nut oil improves blood circulation, which in turn improves the quality of erection. Helps to increase stress resistance and performance.
Promotes cerebral circulation and brain activity, relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue and headaches, raises the body tone, and provides a calming effect on an irritated psyche.