



Walnuts are packed with healthy essential fats, antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals, protein, and fiber. Walnuts contain the essential fatty acids omega-3 and 6. Those handy fatty acids do wonders for the brain, including improving motor function when taken in a moderate amount. Walnuts are a great source of biotin, or vitamin B7, which is thought to help hair and nails grow stronger and longer as well as prevent hair loss.

The high levels of biotin, vitamin E, and vitamin B in walnuts help strengthen your nails and improve nail health. Consuming walnuts helps the skin look younger and healthier due to the powerful antioxidant, vitamin E. which can also help give your hair and nails a healthy shine.

Walnuts contain polyphenols called ellagitannins. Gut bacteria convert these to urolithins that have anti-inflammatory properties in your gut. Thus, eating walnuts can help prevent colorectal cancer. Urolithin’s anti-inflammatory actions may also safeguard you against other cancers. Moreover, urolithins block hormone receptors in your body. So, they reduce your chances of getting hormone-related cancers, like breast and prostate cancers.