Spring roll
with Guacamole, Quinoa, Spinach, Cucumber and Smoked Brazil Nuts
Mix quinoa with guacamole. Cut cucumbers and carrots into thin strips and chop the Brazil nuts. Soak rice paper in cold water, put a mixture of quinoa and guacamole over the rice paper, add Brazil nuts, cucumber and carrots, sprinkle with black pepper and add chopped spinach leaves. Roll it, tucking the edges inward.
To make Guacamole sauce peel avocados and chop them into large pieces. Chop peeled and seeded tomatoes into small cubes. Mix with olive oil, grated garlic and finely chopped coriander leaves, squeeze lime juice, add salt, pepper, syrup, and mix until smooth.
Rice Paper 3 sheets
Guacamole 150g
Boiled Quinoa 150g
Fresh Carrot, peeled 10g
Fresh Cucumber 150g
Fresh Spinach 30g
Mix of Peppers 4g
Brazil nut BRONZO 1pack
Guacamole Sauce
Avocado, peeled 130g
Juice of a Half a Lime
Garlic, peeled 3g
Fresh Tomatoes 50g
Fresh Coriander 10g
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 15g
Sea Salt 3g
Ground Black Pepper 1g
Topinambur Syrup 8g